Miranda 0.4 RC 3

Новости Миранды

Сообщение Mishail » Пн апр 04, 2005 3:40 am


<a href='http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/miranda/miranda-im-v0.4rc3.exe?download' target='_blank'>Инсталлятор</a> (1,02 Мб)
<a href='http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/miranda/miranda-im-v0.4rc3.zip?download' target='_blank'>Архив zip</a> (1 Мб)
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>
<!--QuoteBegin-""+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("")</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Changes:
* New in 0.4
- Crashes after warning about unsuccessful search
- ESC doesn't work in User Detail
- Phrases with leading and trailing spaces not translateable
- Incorrect Local time in Userinfo
- CheckDlgButton didn't draw correctly if used after creation in button control
- Offline users weren't always shown in Typing Notify Options
- Ctrl+w closes message window
- Moving a group outside the CLC causes a crash
- Crash translating a menu
- Scrollbar still appeared sometimes if XP skinning was enabled
- Contact list control read-disk-on-paint bugs
- Many database bug fixes (crashes, corruption)
- Crash opening Find/Add dialog
- No & sign in the Open File button on the File Transfer window
- Visual defect in "Options\Contact List\Icons" when Expert options unchecked
- AIM: Removing user from deny list didn't always update mode in Miranda
- AIM: Fixed file transfers with Mac users
- ICQ: Error alert blocked I/O
- ICQ: Newly added contact with privacy setting is not hidden anymore
- ICQ: Offline messages are no longer received older than existing ones
- ICQ: Fixed authorisation reply
- ICQ: Fixed contact transfer ack
- ICQ: Now parses URL send ack correctly, no more timeout
- ICQ: Now sending ack on contacts receive
- ICQ: Fixed crash on receiving long message through P2P
- MSN: Connection/login fixes
- IRC: Many bug fixes

- Database and contact list control moved to plugins
- Relative paths for icons, sounds, and contact list background
- Scroll through past messages with ctrl+up/dn in message window
- New idle module to handle autoaway and protocol idleness
- Pin to desktop option in Window options
- Dim idle contacts option
- Use windows colours option for contact list
- New status bar options (hide bevel, hide gripper)
- Database I/O improvements
- Option to hide vertical scroll bar
- Opening a URL blocked I/O
- AIM: Show mobile users as 'on the phone'
- MSN: Sending/receiving avatar support
- MSN: Peer to peer support
- ICQ: Added avatar tab to user-details dialog to show avatar
- ICQ: My user-details now show more information & added idle since to ICQ tab
- ICQ: Added full unicode message support (requires SRMM Unicode)
- ICQ: Added support for sending and receiving Idle time
- ICQ: Added reliable client identification
- ICQ: Added support for avatar images (downloading & uploading).
- ICQ: Added Grant authorisation option (send & recognize)
- IRC: Support for secured connections using OpenSSL
- IRC: Support for CTCP and DCC filetransfers and chats
- IRC: New graphical user interface using Chat plugin
- Jabber: Unicode support<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--></span>
<a href="http://www.foobar2000.ru/" target="_blank">Изображение</a>| <!--coloro:#009900--><span style="color:#009900"><!--/coloro--><a href="http://irc.run.net/Pix/ircmap.txt" target="_blank">RUSNet:</a> #miranda #foobar2000 #mozilla<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
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